2024-2025 / ANAP0231-2

Masticatory Apparatus Pathological Anatomy


15h Th, 5h Pr

Number of credits

 Bachelor in dentistry2 crédits 


Pascale Quatresooz

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the second semester


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

The course will look at the following: buccal-phayrngal mucosa lesions, salivary glands, bones, soft tissues, odontongenes, the face; the consequences of blood diseases, vasculitis, buccal-pharyngal disorders of the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys disorders.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

This course aims at describing lesions which develop in the masticatory apparatus (extended to include the buccal-phayrngal cavity, but excluding the dental organs). The long range effects of disorders which start in the masticatory apparatus as well as other serious diseases will be looked at (including myocardium infarct). The lesions are described and their ethiopathogenics and effects are explained.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

General Pathological Anatomy

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Oral course. Commented diaporama would be proposed depending circonstances. On line practical works, 1 reviewing course would be organised.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Blended learning

Additional information:

The course is given in the second quadrimester: 1H30 by week. Registred by Teams.

Practical course on digital microscope.

- Anatomie Pathologique générale et Spéciale by A. Stevens and J. Lowe, De Boeck Université, 1997.
  - Anatomie pathologique, Atlas de Wheather, J.Lowe, A.Stenvens, B.Young, De Boeck, 2004

These books may be consulted at the library at CHU.

Diaporama may be available on e-campus.

No other written notes are disponible.

Practical activities must be done on e-campus.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire )

Additional information:

The evaluation will be written both on theory and practical work(QCM and/or T/F).
Practical evaluation will be realized on projected images in the same time that evaluation of theory.
Any partial dispense will be accorded.

Precisions about evaluation wll be given in a document that will be communicated to students at the begining of quadrimester.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

Contact:  Histology department, CHU Tour 4 (tour de Pharmacie), B36 - Niveau +44000 LIEGE Sart Tilman BELGIQUE
+32 (0)4 366.51.71


Questions will be adressed at the end of the course or by mail (pascale.quatresooz@uliege.be)

Association of one or more MOOCs