2024-2025 / AESS2219-1

Special didactics in chemistry : placements (2nd part)

Teaching placements

Reflexive practical work

Extra-scholar teaching activities


Teaching placements : 20h Internship
Reflexive practical work : 5h Pr
Extra-scholar teaching activities : 10h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in chemistry, teaching focus5 crédits 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher5 crédits 


Teaching placements : Bernard Leyh
Reflexive practical work : Bernard Leyh
Extra-scholar teaching activities : Bernard Leyh


Bernard Leyh

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Please see the information under the different sub-headings of this course.

Teaching placements

The students are in charge of internships (20 hours) during which they teach in secondary school classes under the supervision of experienced teachers. In addition to chemistry, they may also teach a limited number (maximum: 8 periods) of physics or biology lessons.

Reflexive practical work

Reflexive practices are based on the analysis, by the students and the members of the chemistry didactics group, of the internship report, in order to define the appropriate feedback.

Extra-scholar teaching activities

Participation in a few scholar activities taking place outside the traditional classroom environment: help for students with school problems, accompanying pupils to scientific events, tutoring schuelerlabors, meeting the parents, ...

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Teaching placements

At the end of their internships, the future teachers are expected to master the major competences that define a professional teacher so that they can participate efficiently in a secondary school teaching team.

Reflexive practical work

Reflexive practices are one of the many tools which should help the future teachers to: - develop among their students a citizenship-oriented behaviour; - contribute to the intellectual development of each student; - guide the learning processes; - promote the development of transferable skills; - assess the results of her/his teaching practice; - work in a team-oriented way; - use efficiently modern communication techniques.

Extra-scholar teaching activities

Make future teachers sensitive to the very diverse facets of their job.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Teaching placements

- Course AESS1216-1 - A good knowledge of chemistry at the bachelor level - A good knowledge of the general didactics course

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Extra-scholar teaching activities

Each student will plan with the lecturers in charge of the chemistry didactics (B. Nihant or B. Leyh) the activities she or he wants to perform and the duration of each of them.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Teaching placements

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The internships will take place in January 2024 and during the second semester 2023-2024.

The students receive detailed written information about the organisational aspects.

8 (minimum) to 12 (maximum) hours must be taught in technical qualification classes or in professional classes.

Reflexive practical work

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Reflexive practices are organized when the members of the chemistry didactics group come to assess a lesson in a school, and at the end of each internship. The critical analysis included in the report is an important part of the reflexive practices.

Extra-scholar teaching activities

Face-to-face course

Teaching placements

Official curricula and chemistry books for the secondary school, and bachelor chemistry textbooks (for revising chemistry concepts)

Assessment methods and criteria

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

See details in the different sections

Teaching placements

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

Assessment by the secondary school supervisor and by the members of the chemistry didactics laboratory.
A report must be written by the student at the end of the internships. Students will be provided with detailed information in due time. This report will be assessed.
The report must include a critical analysis of the work performed.
A global grade lower than 10/20 for this course leads to the non-success of the annual programme or of the study cycle.

Reflexive practical work

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Additional information:

The internship report must include a critical analysis of the work performed. This will be assessed.

Extra-scholar teaching activities

Other : See below

Additional information:

The student will receive a form which has to be filled in and signed by the person responsible for each activity.
If the fully completed document is not handed over at the end of the academic year, the student will be considered as "absent" and such a grade will be assigned to him or her.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Teaching placements

Bernard Leyh - Molecular Dynamics Laboratory - Didactics of Chemistry - Office R77 (Building B6c, level 0, south floor) - Phone: 00 32 4 3663425
Electronic address: Bernard.Leyh@uliege.be

Teaching assistant: Ms. Brigitte Nihant - Didactics of Chemistry - Building B6c - Office 2/7 (2nd floor, north) - Phone: 00 32 4 3663335
Electronic address: Brigitte.Nihant@uliege.be

Reflexive practical work

Bernard Leyh - Molecular Dynamics Laboratory - Didactics of Chemistry - Office R77 (Building B6c, level 0, south floor) - Phone: 00 32 4 3663425
Electronic address: Bernard.Leyh@uliege.be

Teaching assistant: Ms. Brigitte Nihant - Didactics of Chemistry - Building B6c - Office 2/7 (2nd floor, north) - Phone: 00 32 4 3663335
Electronic address: Brigitte.Nihant@uliege.be

Extra-scholar teaching activities

Bernard Leyh - Molecular Dynamics Laboratory - Didactics of Chemistry - Office R77 (Building B6c, level 0, south floor) - Phone: 00 32 4 3663425
Electronic address: Bernard.Leyh@uliege.be

Teaching assistant: Ms. Brigitte Nihant - Didactics of Chemistry - Building B6c - Office 2/7 (2nd floor, north) - Phone: 00 32 4 3663335
Electronic address: Brigitte.Nihant@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs