2024-2025 / AESS1218-1

Special didactics in biology : placements (1st part)

Observation placements

Teaching placements

Reflexive practical work


Observation placements : 10h Internship
Teaching placements : 20h Internship
Reflexive practical work : 5h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in biochemistry and molecular and cell biology, teaching focus3 crédits 
 Master in biology of organisms and ecology, teaching focus3 crédits 
 Certified upper secondary education teacher3 crédits 


Observation placements : Marie-Noëlle Hindryckx
Teaching placements : Marie-Noëlle Hindryckx
Reflexive practical work : Marie-Noëlle Hindryckx


Marie-Noëlle Hindryckx

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

All year long


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Observation placements

Observation practice is visiting teachers' classes and observing them in different situations in science teaching; this is to improve one's own teaching during practice teaching and to build a systemic regard on teaching practices.

Teaching placements

Practice teaching is made up of important steps in the progressive acquisition of teaching skills. Students working on course preparation and related tasks must apply themselves as diligently as possible to these tasks. The teaching intern must sign a statement promising to act with respect toward the institution, the intern director and the students he or she is given to instruct, in human and moral terms as well as pedagogical terms.
This promise is a declaration on the part of the intern which will be made available to students, and which must be signed at the beginning of the year. If respect of them miss, stage can be stopped.
Internships with teaching are opportunities for students to be exposed to different kinds of teaching, different ways of presenting material in class, and different kinds of publics (students).

Reflexive practical work

Students will be able to gain perspective with regard to their own teaching practice during teaching exercises and practice teaching; there will be many occasions for students to analyze their own practices in order to improve. The reflective posture can take place into the teaching practice during all the cursus and in collaboration with DG course.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Observation placements

Students will be able to analyze teaching situations in which they may find themselves placed (in classrooms, in public, typical teaching tasks) prior to having full charge of class meetings. It will be an occasion to overview the teaching of sciences in his globality, from first grades to high school.

Teaching placements

The principal objective of practice teaching is to put the future teacher in situations that he or she will encounter in professional practice. These teaching situations will lead future teachers to acquire skills as they pursue their initial training for the profession of teacher.

After practice classes are over, the student will be able to prepare an overview for a stage, a complete lesson plan for a class, to give a lesson, to demonstrate a willingness to reflect upon his or her practice, and to study that practice in order to improve it.

Reflexive practical work

Upon completion of the course students should be able to: -analyse their practice in order to improve it, alone and in a group; -analyse the practice of others in order to enrich their vision of teaching in the sciences; -take into account their own representations of the profession in order to enable them to develop.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Observation placements

Student must be properly enrolled at the University and sign up for special didactics in biology (attendance required).

Teaching placements

In order to be allowed to enter the teacher training programme, students must sign an internship protocol and must have participated on a regular basis in classes and exercises (attendance is verified). If in the course of activities a lack of preparation is observed the faculty for special didactics in biology reserves the right to require students to remedy these lacks and to demand that additional conditions be met prior to that student being allowed to practice teach.
The student must observe the internship rules established for the classes of special didactics in biology.

Reflexive practical work

no one

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Observation placements

Information collected during observation practice will help improve teaching practice during the internship, but it will also help students follow the material in classes and exercises.

Teaching placements

Exercises in small groups contribute to the construction of didactic sequences for each student's benefit, depending on what is asked for and the subjects involved.

The Wednesday sessions (disciplinary didactics course) allow to address the essential aspects of the active internship and to make links between theory and class practice.

The internship supervisor  (maitre de stage) accompanies the student in his professional practice; the didacticians meet this internship supervisor during the certificate visits and then can discuss with the student and him on this occasion.

Reflexive practical work

Refresher sessions after the end of practice teaching are offered; each student can share his or her experience and analyse the experience of others. Reflective posture can take place into the teaching practice during all the cursus

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Observation placements

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

8 periods (50') to be scheduled in accordance with different school's levels, in schools according student's choice 


Teaching placements

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

The first period of active internships (November) will include at least 10 periods (50 ') of courses with a supervisor, preceded by hours of observation of the class (es) concerned by the internship (observations + 2 participant observations + 10 active courses).

The second period of active internships (January), will include at least 10 periods (50 ') of courses with a supervisor, preceded by hours of observation of the class (es) concerned by the course and followed by a test.

Students will make their exact internship schedule and his planning available at least one week before the beginning of the period, with the help of an on line form to be filled out. Hours spent doing practice teaching, etc., which are not scheduled in this manner in a timely fashion will not be counted.

The internship report will be written according to instructions that are posted on eCampus and are downloadable. This report will be always available during the practice and will be send 15 days max. after the last course period.

Student in lightening program must take part of teacher training at least for 20 course periods to valid this partim.

Reflexive practical work

Time spent in reflection on practice is not separated from time in class or time spent doing exercises: post-internship discussions, analysis of shared practices, and discussion of practices are opportunities to work on this.

Observation placements

Notes are prepared and handed out to students during class. The didactic contract and documents needed for internship activities and various other activities can be downloaded from eCampus

Teaching placements

Notes are prepared and handed out to students during class. The didactic contract and documents needed for internship activities and various other activities can be downloaded from eCampus

Reflexive practical work

Notes are prepared and handed out to students during class. The didactic contract and documents needed for internship activities and various other activities can be downloaded from eCampus

Observation placements

The eight hours of observation handled by the Special Didactic Service will be observations of students in the context of a class meeting of a science course. Following completion of the observations the proper form, completed and signed for each hour of observation must be return to Didactic professors, can be downloaded from eCampus.

These works determine part of acces to  evaluation exam DD partim II.

Teaching placements

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Other : internship report; visits of didactician; referent teacher's advices

Additional information:

During the internship (partim 1), the student will be visited by the members of the Special Didactic Service for biology. The visits will be for purposes of certification. The purpose of the visits is to observe the context of work being performed, the practice teacher's strengths and weaknesses, and to verify progress in professional ability as a teacher (construction of professional identity). If it's possible, after the observation is concluded, the student will be able to discuss any problems or questions with the didactic specialists. The grade for that part of the stage will be arrived at using a grid of criteria which will be shared with students and which can be downloaded from eCampus. A written justification will be given to students later on, along with the grade given.

An internship report will be required. The report will cover all the preparations for the stage, a synopsis of methods, an a posteriori analysis of each lesson presented and a reflection on the whole internship experience, setting out strengths and skills learned along with weaknesses and skills that need to be improved. The report must be in accordance with the instructions that have been posted on eCampus and can be downloaded there. The report must be turned in the date fixed at the beginning of the schoolyear.

The grade "stage I" will be essentially the grade from the didactic specialists's visits (certificative visit 1) and from the teacher.

No second session will be convened for the internships. If note is < 10/20, student will be postponed for this partim.

If preparation(s) for the course (s) of the day is (are) not present (s) during the visit, it will be sanctioned by an "Insuffisant" grade.

A stage schedule misinformed (false or incomplete address, wrong time) leading to an impossibility of visit can result in account deletion of five stage periods on 20.

Reflexive practical work

The evaluation for reflective practice will be a training grade which will continue throughout exercises.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Observation placements

Teachers :

Marie-Noëlle HINDRYCKX

Teaching instructors:

Mélanie Laschet

Corentin Poffé


Clara Cravatte


Mercedes Avignon


Quartier Agora, 7, allée du Six Août
B6a bureau -2/118b
B-4000 Liège
04 366 34 89

Teaching placements

Teachers :

Marie-Noëlle HINDRYCKX

Teaching instructors:

Mélanie Laschet

Corentin Poffé


Clara Cravatte


Mercedes Avignon



Quartier Agora, 7, allée du Six Août
B6c 2/5
B-4000 Liège
04 366 34 89

Reflexive practical work

Teachers :

Marie-Noëlle HINDRYCKX

Teaching instructors:

Mélanie Laschet

Corentin Poffé

Mercedes Avignon



Clara Cravatte


Quartier Agora, 7, allée du Six Août
B6c local 2/5
B-4000 Liège
04 366 34 89

Association of one or more MOOCs