2023-2024 / Certificate

Certificate of university in "Clinical approach and management of alcohol, drugs and gambling users" (not organised in 2022-2023)

18 crédits

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Block 1

Training organized in even years only


Compulsory courses

YCER0137-1Clinical approach and care concerning alcohol consumption, drug use and gambling - [30h Seminar]

Part 1 : Theoretical models, epidemiology and state of the art (25 Th):

- Introduction and societal aspects of consumption ¿ Fabienne GLOWACZ, Emilie SCHMITS
- Psychosocial approach to consumption ¿ Fabienne GLOWACZ, Emilie SCHMITS, Etienne VENDY
- Psychopharmacology of psychoactive substances, focus on alcohol and cannabis and cognitive approach - Etienne QUERTEMONT, Emilie SCHMITS
- Systemic approach to addictions ¿ Fabienne GLOWACZ, Arnaud ZARBO
- Epidemiology and drug use - Mickaël HOGGE, Emilie SCHMITS
- New drugs and early warnings. Observatories, networks and platforms Mickaël HOGGE, Emilie SCHMITS
- Use of the internet, computers, smartphones and new technologies - Pascal MINOTTE
- Ethical, deontological and coercive issues around clinical cases ¿ Magali CROLLARD
Part 2: Ecosystemic evaluation of uses and associated problems (25 hours theory):

- Evaluation tools and research methods, Emilie Schmits
- Substance use, mental health and compulsory assistance for teenagers and adults, Fabienne Glowacz, Emilie Schmits
- Substitution treatments and the prison environment, Benoît Skrzypek, Emilie Schmits
- Perinatal care and dependency, Magali Crollard
- Parents, family and friends of users: psychoeducation and support, Magali Crollard
- First line care and school interventions: early detection and harm reduction, Emilie Schmits, Fabienne Glowacz, Jérôme Gherroucha
- Problematic uses of the internet and video games, Pascal Minotte
- Dealing with ITC and game dependency in the mental health sector, Ariane Lakaye
Part 3: Interventions and clinical management (50 hours theory, 30 hours seminar):

- Health promotion and harm reduction, Emilie Schmits, Arnaud Zarbo
- Prevention of problematic use in teenagers and young adults, Fabienne Glowacz, Emilie Schmits, Arnaud Zarbo
- Pathological games in mental health: treatment and therapeutic intervention, Ariane Lakaye
- Emergency and crisis interventions, Thomas Bertoncello, Emilie Schmits
- Dependencies: treatment in the hospital environment and mobile teams, Thomas Bertoncello, Emilie Schmits
- Psychosocial clinic and the community dimension, Etienne Vendy
- Therapeutic community interventions: clinical cases, Etienne Vendy
- Training in the principles of motivational interviewing (1) - Fabienne GLOWACZ, Philippe REMACLE
- Training in the principles of motivational interviewing: clinical cases (2) - Fabienne GLOWACZ, Philippe REMACLE
- Pair-aidance in care: experts by experience - Etienne VENDY
- Individual approach of type MDFT (Multidimensional Family Therapy) - Patrick SPAPEN
- Putting MDFT support into practice: role plays and clinical cases - Patrick SPAPEN
- Clinical seminars - COLLEGIALITY
YTRA9016-1Final piece of work