2023-2024 / Certificate

Inter-university and higher school certificate in methods and practice of indisciplinary in health

25 crédits

Block view

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  • Crédits

Block 1

Compulsory courses

VCER2093-1Role and method of conceptual analysis in reflexive practices - [15h Pratiques réflexives] Q110-[+]3
PCER0051-1Critical approaches to knowledge and their use in the health sector - [15h Pratiques réflexives] Q110-[+]3
MCER2136-1Interdisciplinary and interprofessional review of experiences in the health sector - [20h Pratiques réflexives] Q220-[+]5
MCER2137-1Exercises in simulated situations - [35h Pratiques réflexives] TA--[+]4
MTRA9015-1Integration of the conceptual approach into the professional context - [10h Projet, 25h Pratiques réflexives, 250h Travail autonome de l'étudiant] TA--[+]10