2023-2024 / University certificate

The accreditation of judicial experts in real estate and construction (organised in even years)

12 crédits

Block view

  • Organisation
  • Théorie
  • Pratique
  • Autres
  • Crédits

Block 1

Course organised only in even-numbered years.


Compulsory courses

DCER0092-1Training in law for the use of judicial experts, translators and interpretersQ13
Judicial organization, general principles of civil procedure law, general principles of the law of evidence and evidence in civil matters   6-- 
General principles of the law of criminal procedure, general principles of the law of evidence in criminal matters and the preliminary investigation in criminal matters   6-- 
National register of legal experts, expert translantors and interpreters   1-- 
Basic concepts in civil law   3-- 
DCER0093-1Law of court-ordered expert opinionsQ14
Appointment of the expert, how the appraisal takes place and the relationship to civil matters, intervention of the judge, fees and costs in civil matters   10-- 
Appointment of the expert, how the investigation takes place and reporting in criminal matters, legal damages and cost of services in criminal matters   6-- 
Court-order expert opnions, amicable expert opinions and non-jurisdictional methods of resolving disputes   3-- 
Mediation, conciliation and expert opinions: tools and techniques
Nathalie Uyttendaele
Introduction to contract law and responsibility for use by court-ordered experts   3-- 
Liability, insurance and ethics regarding court-ordered experts   3-- 
Court-ordered appraisals including case studies   -3- 
DCER0098-1Property law and constructionQ25
Property law and construction and legal expertise   18-- 
Law on shared liquidation and legal expertise   1,5-- 
Town planning and regional planning and legal expertise   3-- 
Legal expertise in property and construction including a case study
Guibert De Crombrugghe, Damien Dessard, Xavier Ghuysen, Benoît Kohl, Jessica Loly, Jean-Marie Rigo