2023-2024 / PHYL0130-4

Multidisciplinary approach to homeostasis


11h Th

Number of credits

 Bachelor in medicine1 crédit 


Vincent Bonhomme, Gaëtan Garraux, Sophie Gillain, Philippe Kolh


Gaëtan Garraux

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Derived of Greek hómoios, "similar", and, stásis, "position", the term homeostasis is generally used to characterize the capacity of a system living to maintain the balance of its internal environment, in spite of the threats to which he can be submitted. The homeostasis exists at several levels in the alive bodies. This education is specifically interested in the homéostasie of the human body.
The main objective of this module is to accompany the student in its understanding of the concerted action of the cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, digestive, endocrine and nervous systems in answer to one (of) (the) disturbance (s) of the physiological balance of the internal environment. The teaching will lead the student to develop a structured reasoning on the physiopathological mechanisms and the clinical repercussions of a failure of these systems during the normal ageing, during the situations of acute medical distress and brain death. Problem-based learning (APP) and clinical situation scenario as well as the confrontation in complementary examinations will favor the integration of the knowledge.
So, the student will be able of identifying the symptoms and the signs of a disturbance of the homeostasis in various medical situations, of describing the underlying physiopathological mechanisms and of explaining the general principles of their treatment.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

At the end of this learning unit, the student will be able to

  • Describe the various levels of organization of the physiological mechanisms of preservation of the normal man's homeostasis.
  • Understand the physiopathological mechanisms and the clinical repercussions of a disturbance of one or several of these mechanisms during the normal ageing and in the most common situations of acute medical distress.
  • Identify a coma and a brain death, describe the various types and understand their mechanisms.
A list of general and specific objectives is available on the e-campus on line course.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Co and pre-requisites are detailed in the general Baccalaureate Medical formation (global course program).

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

This Module is multidisciplinar (based on different theoretical courses in different disciplines).
Practical works (MEDE0002 and MEDE0003) and Problem-based seminars (APPR0001) complete the practical and clinical aspects.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Hybrid course (theoretical aspects in classical classrooms ; some practical aspects are developped within e-learning and small groups sessions).

Recommended or required readings

Slides and comments are available on e-campus on line course/myulg ; books can be obtained at the Ulg Press Shop  (complementary, not compulsory).


Partim nervous system: Many learning objectives can also be reached by referring the following optional textbooks:

Mayo Clinic Medical Neurosciences: Organized by Neurologic Systems and Levels, (6 edn) 2017              Eduardo E. Benarroch, Jeremy K. Cutsforth-Gregory, Kelly D. Flemming. Edition Oxford academic

Neurosciences, 6ème édition, 2019 (translated in french. D. Purves, G.J. Augustine, D. Fitzpatrick, W.C. Hall, A.-S LaMantia, J.O. McNamara, L.E. White. Editions de boeck.

Any session :

- In-person

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

- Remote

written exam ( multiple-choice questionnaire, open-ended questions )

- If evaluation in "hybrid"

preferred in-person

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course


Pr. Gaëtan GARRAUX

Tel. : 0032/43665950

E-mail : ggarraux@uliege.be


Pr. Vincent BONHOMME

Tel. : 0032/43667180

E-mail : Vincent.Bonhomme@uliege.be


Pr. Philippe Kolh

E-mail : Philippe.Kolh@uliege.be


Pr. Sophie Gillain

E-mail : sgillain@chuliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs

Items online


Principles of Homeostasis of the major functions of the body
The purpose of the homeostasis module is to provide a synthesis of the interdependence of the major physiological functions that leads to the constancy of the interior environment of the whole organism.

The first part deals with the regulation of blood pressure level,ventilation control and the mechanisms for maintaining the central T°.

The second part will consider the control of metabolism and the constancy of internal environment.
