
2024-2025 / Bachelor

Science (BSc) in Engineering

180 credits

L'ingénieur·e a pour tâche principale d'apporter des solutions technologiques à des problèmes concrets. Il·elle est appelé·e à devenir acteur·rice du développement et de l'utilisation responsable des technologies.


This programme is taught in French only. This is why the general presentation is available on this page in French only. Other bilingual and/or full English programmes are also offered at the University of Liège, do not hesitate to read this page for more information.

Programme content Courses
Within the Faculty

The contact details for the Faculty of Applied Sciences are listed on this page.

Future student at ULiège

Courses, student life, tips for success, activities for future students, campus life...

Information on the programme:

+32 (0)4 366 56 74



Admissions and registration conditions

Please use the contact form for any questions you may have.

Students on a study visit to ULiège

The International Relations department is at your disposal.

Erasmus IN: mobil.in@uliege.be