2024-2025 / Inter-university certificate

Healthcare economics

10 crédits

Cycle view

  • Bloc
  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits
Courses programme
MCER2133-1Interuniversity certificate in the health economy
Collegiality :
- For the ULiège : Bernard BASSLEER, Pierre GILLET
- For the ULB : Alain DE WEVER, Magali PIRSON
- For the UCL : Marie-Christine COLSON, Elisabeth DARRAS
Themes featuring in the programme :
- Economics of health and market economics
- The main types of economic evaluation
- Critical analyses of economic evaluations
- Economic and statistical considerations
- Willingness to pay
- Cost effectiveness and cost-utility (theory and exercises).
- Minimising costs, cost-benefit (theory and exercises)
- Pharmacoeconomics (theory and exercises)
- Ethics and therapeutic freedom
- Primary health care
- Etc...