2024-2025 / Certificate

University certificate : level 1 health and safety advisor

28 crédits

Cycle view

  • Bloc
  • Organization
  • Theory
  • Practical
  • Others
  • Credits

Compulsory courses

ACER0016-1Theme 1: Policies of well-being at work - Legislation, missions and tasks of actors involved in preventionB1   2
Policies of well-being at work - Legislation, missions and tasks of actors involved in prevention
Vincent Colson, Maria Christina Ribas y Ribas
The environment and businesses (legislation and integration in the management of the business)   4-- 
ACER0017-1Theme: Hygiene, ergonomics, psychosocial aspects and communicationB1   3
Cognitive ergonomics   15-- 
Physical ergonomics: introduction, methodology, risks, prevention, musculoskeletal disorders, environmental constraints   15-- 
Development of forms of organisation of work
Céline Mahieu
ACER0018-1Theme 3: Application of policies of well-being at workB1   4
Analysis of workplace accidents - practical case studies : Application of the tree-of-causes method
Giovanni Bandinu
System for risk management
David Beaupain
Overall five-year plan and annual action plan
Robert Poletto
Analysis of jobs : theoretical preparation and visits to businesses
David Beaupain
Basic knowledge of quality management   12-- 
ACER0019-1Theme 4 : Mechanical risks, directives on machines, new technologiesB1   3
Mechanical risks, directives on machines, new technologies
Maria Christina Ribas y Ribas
Security for lifting machines
Joseph Thonard
Dependability of functioning
Albert Marlaire
Steam and other pressurized equipment
Jonathan Robert
HULG9054-1Theme 5: Electrical risks
Giovanni Bandinu
ACER0020-1Theme 6: Chemical agents (storage, transport, handling, labeling, defective product)
Etienne Thierry
ACER0021-1Theme 7: Physical agents (noise, vibrations, heat/cold, lighting ,etc.)B1   3
Struggle against noise and vibrations in industrial zones
Hedwig Rosseel
Patrick Lesage
Risks associated with artificial optical rays (Royal Decree of 22 April 2010)
Patrick Lesage
Belgian regulations concerning ionizing radiation
Patrick Droesch
G. Masset
Air temperature and thermal comfort
Gérald Dombret
ACER0022-1Theme 8: Fire, explosions and major risksB1   2
Emergency planning
Perry Presciutti
Fire prevention
Michel Dierickx-Visscher
Work in explosion risk zones - ATEX regulations
Vincent Lotin
ACER0023-1Theme 9: Temporary or mobile workplaces and construction site securityB1   2
Temporary or mobile workplaces and construction site security - practical aspects
René Steveny
Underground work - permit holders - digging areas - terracing
Mourad Bellal
Demolition work
René Steveny
Work at heights, and risks of falling
Yannic Delande
The problematic of insulation material
René Steveny
Relation between the risk prevention adviser and the health and security officer
René Steveny
ATFE9002-1Final work

Multidisiplinary foundation module giving access to the certificate of university as Level 1 Prevention Advisor.

ACER0037-1Theme 1: Policies of well-being at work - Legislation, missions and tasks of actors involved in preventionB1   3
Legislation and regulations relating to health and well-being at work
Sylvio Vervenna
Practical aspects of the role of a Risk Prevention advisor
Robert Poletto
The strategy of well-being at work policies
Maria Christina Ribas y Ribas
SECT (External services for technical checks in the workplace), CPPT (Health and safety at work Committee) and assessing well-being
Maria Christina Ribas y Ribas
Legal and criminal liability of the prevention adviser
Philippe Herman
Overall plan and annual action plan
Robert Poletto
Understanding of what is useful when welcoming a new recruit and management responsibilities
Audrey Princen
Strategy of communication, beliefs and perceptions   3-- 
Team work (working groups)   3-- 
Missions and operation of CPPT (Health and safety at work committees) : from the perspective of the social partners
Catherine Agnessens
ACER0038-1Theme 2: Hygiene, ergonomics, psychosocial aspects and communicationB1   3
Violence, sexual harassment and bullying in the workplace
Philippe Dejonghe
Occupational health and preventative medicine advisors in the workplace   3-- 
Biological agents - an introduction to concepts of specific risks
Albert Marlaire
An introduction to ergonomics and analysis of working conditions   3-- 
Psychosocial care
Philippe Dejonghe
Prevention and management of addictions in the workplace environment
Marie-Gabrielle Kerger
ACER0039-1Theme 3 : Application of policies of well-being at workB1   3
Understanding of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention
Sylvio Vervenna
Prevention advisors: practical aspects
Sylvio Vervenna
Systematic analysis of workplace accidents
Giovanni Bandinu
Risks analysis
David Beaupain
Economic aspects of workplace accidents and prevention
Robert Poletto
Analysis and statistics of workplace accidents
Dominique Bayens
Participative analysis of working conditions and presentation of different methods of screening risks
David Beaupain
Collective protection equipment
Robert Poletto
Individual protection equipment
Robert Poletto
Administrative work of a prevention advisor
Gérald Dombret
Studying working conditions and the risk of accidents in the workplace: theory
Robert Poletto
Studying working conditions and the risk of accidents in the workplace: exercises
Robert Poletto
ACER0040-1Theme 4 : Mechanical risks, directives on machines, new technologiesB1   1
European Directives and, in particular, the 'Machines' Directive and the 'Work Equipment' Directive.
Robert Poletto
Safety of machines and work equipment: Essential requirements
Robert Poletto
ACER0041-1Theme 5: Electrical risks, the electrical risk
Robert Poletto
ACER0042-1Theme 6: Chemical agents (storage, transport, handling, labeling, defective product), The use of 'dangerous' products
Albert Marlaire
ACER0043-1Theme 7 : Physical agents (noise, vibrations, heat/cold, lighting ,etc.)B1   1
Constraints and thermal comfort
Gérald Dombret
Patrick Lesage
Hedwig Rosseel
Hedwig Rosseel
ACER0044-1Theme 8: Fire, explosions and major risksB1   2
Risk of fire and explosions
Michel Dierickx-Visscher
Fire fighting: seminar
Managing emergency situations / Drafting an emergency plan and an intervention plan
Michel Dierickx-Visscher