
2024-2025 / Master

Bio-informatics and modelling, research focus

120 credits

Modeling and understanding complex biological systems with supercomputers


Nowadays, bioinformatics became one of the most important research tools in Life Sciences. Both academia and industry are increasingly looking for computer-literate biologists with skills in software programming, data analysis and modeling. Fed by ever-more sophisticated laboratory instruments (high-throughput sequencers, mass-spectrometers...), bioinformatics is facing the challenge of the growing inflow of genomic data and makes possible the automated analysis of thousands of molecules (proteins, metabolites...) which regulate the fundamental processes of life. Hence, powerful computers and artificial intelligence algorithms are used daily to compare, predict, model... field and laboratory experiments or to analyse the outcome of such experiments. In this context, the aim of the Master in Bioinformatics and Modeling is to allow young professionals and students with a life science background (biologists and medical biologists, veterinary and medicine doctors, bioengineers) to acquire a solid training in computing techniques applied to biological data.

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