2024-2025 / PSYC0096-2

Assessment and diagnosis methods in adult neuropsychology


30h Th, 15h Pr

Number of credits

 Master in psychology, professional focus in clinical psychology4 crédits 


Fabienne Collette, Sylvie Willems


Sylvie Willems

Language(s) of instruction

French language

Organisation and examination

Teaching in the first semester, review in January


Schedule online

Units courses prerequisite and corequisite

Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program

Learning unit contents

Assessment in neuropsychology is a fundamental task for the psychologist specialising in neuropsychology (PSN). They pursue a multitude of objectives that vary according to the clinical situation: determining whether a neurological disorder affects the patient's cognition, understanding the functional impact of these difficulties, planning an intervention, etc.
??To do this, the PSN must develop a series of skills ranging from the ability to conduct a complete clinical interview, to choosing tools that are relevant to the clinical situation, to interpreting the results and then reporting them.?? To help you develop these various skills, the course will comprise a theoretical and a practical part.??  
30 hours theory :
- General logic of assessment in adult neuropsychology (anamnesis, basic assessment, in-depth cognitive assessment, psychometric aspects).
- Assessment of memory disorders, agnosias, executive functions, attentional functions, hemineglect, etc.
- Special cases for assessment 
- Brain imaging examination methods
- Feedback about conclusions
?15h of practical work: Two clinical vignettes will enable you to work in groups on the various stages of neuropsychological assessment, from the history to the feedback of the conclusion.
??You will be required to: - patient interview
- Select and administer tests.
- Interpret the results obtained, taking into account normative reference data.
- Explain the results orally.
- Write a report.

Learning outcomes of the learning unit

Knowing the principles of a neuropsychological assessment in adults.
Knowing the main methods and assessment tools of the cognitive deficits in brain-damaged patients.

Prerequisite knowledge and skills

Basic training in clinical neuropsychology, neurophysiology, cognitive neuropsychology and cognitive psychology.

This class is not open to Erasmus students.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

Lectures with PowerPoint support.

Obligatory practical work in small groups with preparation time outside the sessions.

Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)

Face-to-face course

Additional information:

Face-to-face (with preparation time outside the sessions)

Course materials and recommended or required readings

PowerPoint support on e-campus

Book : Amieva, H., Collette, F., Azouvi, P., & Barbeau, E. (2023). Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l adulte: Tome 1-Évaluation. De Boeck Supérieur. 

The chapters to be read will be communicated to you during the course.

NB: This book is a reference work that will be useful in your PSN work.

Exam(s) in session

Any session

- In-person

written exam ( open-ended questions )

Written work / report

Continuous assessment

Other : Analysis of a clinical vignette.

Further information:


Attendance at face-to-face exercise sessions is mandatory. (Failure to attend 2 exercise sessions without a medical certificate will automatically result in failure for the year).


Group work will be carried out during the year and a (clinical) report will be produced. You must submit your report by the given deadline. To be fair, 1 point will be deducted for each day your report is late.


Open question(s): question(s) on the course matter

Analysis of a clinical case :

Ability to ask the right questions in the anamnesis for a particular clinical situation

Ability to justify the use of a specific test

Ability to place a score in relation to norms
Ability to qualify an interpretation (taking account of anamnestic information and characteristics of norms)
Ability to interpret a cognitive profile (including difficulties in daily life)
The final grade is based on the report (8 points) and the written exam (12 points). You must obtain a minimum score of 50% in each part. If you fail one of the parts, the final mark will correspond to the failing grade and you will have to repeat the failing part in the 2nd session. If you pass or fail both parts, the final mark will be the sum of the two marks.

Work placement(s)

Organisational remarks and main changes to the course

The theoretical lessons will be given in a "grouped" way, at the rate of two session of 2 hours each a week, before the practical exercises.

This class is not open to Erasmus students.


I am available to you during the break or after the class for a few minutes to answer any questions you may have. We can also arrange a meeting after the course if you have a particular need.

Please avoid email unless really necessary.

Sacha Blause (assistant): sacha.blause@uliege.be

Association of one or more MOOCs