20h REM
Number of credits
Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Science | - crédits |
Language(s) of instruction
French language
Organisation and examination
All year long, with partial in January
Units courses prerequisite and corequisite
Prerequisite or corequisite units are presented within each program
Learning unit contents
The objective of this study support activity is to allow students who failed the January exam to brush up on the basic concepts of the subject and to apply them through a series of exercises.
In addition to the sessions specifically devoted to mechanics, a session devoted to mathematical tools to be used in physics and a methodology session on solving physics exercises will be offered at the beginning of the semester to ensure that each student masters the basic tools necessary for activities related to mechanics.
Learning outcomes of the learning unit
The learning outcomes are identical to the mechanics course (PHYS3027-A-a) taught in the first semester.
A central learning outcome is to learn to model processes in a mathematical, algorithmic and efficient way. The next step is to solve problems based on either reductionist reasoning (e.g. separation into subsystems and integration of equations of motion) or global reasoning (conservation properties, e.g. of energy). The notions of physics are the basis of many algorithms and data structuring used in computer science. The practical application of the notions seen in the mathematics course allows to better assimilate and apply them.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Prerequisite knowledge and skills
A basic mastery of the mathematical tools used to solve a mechanics exercise is required. A reminder/remedial session on these tools will be organized at the beginning of the semester. There are no other specific prerequisites for this course.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Seven 2-hour face-to-face sessions will be organized within the framework of these activities to help students succeed.
At the beginning of the semester, a first session will aim at reminding students of the different mathematical tools they need to master and to use in solving exercises. A second session, devoted to the methodology of solving exercises, will be organized at the same time. Then, the subject will be divided into 4 sessions during which exercises of the same type as those presented during the exams will be proposed. The students will then be invited to be active by trying to solve these exercises by themselves. A member of the pedagogical team will supervise these sessions and will answer the questions that the students have or will try to unblock them if they encounter difficulties in advancing in their resolution. A final session, organized in the form of a question-and-answer session covering the entire subject, will be held at the end of the four-month period to resolve any remaining difficulties encountered by the students.
In addition to these face-to-face sessions, various online activities will be offered via the institutional online course platform, eCampus. For each major topic, students will be able to check their level of mastery of basic concepts through diagnostic tests composed of multiple choice questions randomly drawn from large pools of old exam items from different study sections. Exercises will also be offered on ecampus. For each of them, a file will systematically include 3 documents: a file presenting the statement of the exercise, a file providing the student with a hint that he/she can consult if needed, and a link to a video presenting the complete and detailed resolution of the exercise and made by a physics department assistant. The student is advised to try to solve the exercise alone before watching the video.
The Physics MOOC, realized by a team of ULiège and dedicated to mechanics, will remain available throughout the quadrimester. Students are invited to follow it (free of charge) in order to ensure a good mastery of the basic concepts and to practice on other applications than those proposed in the framework of these activities to help them succeed.
Mode of delivery (face to face, distance learning, hybrid learning)
Blended learning
Additional information:
These success support activities are organized mainly in person. In addition, various diagnostic tests and training activities are offered in the ecampus course associated with these activities.
The schedule of face-to-face sessions will be communicated on ecampus and in the Celcat institutional calendar.
Recommended or required readings
Overheads of the first semester course (PHYS3027-A-a) will be available on ecampus
Reference book: Kane & Sternheim Physics with French translation by Ph. Ghosez, M. Hoebeke, and G. Llabres - 4th edition ISBN-13 : 978-2100761753 NB: this book is used by many sections at ULiège, where you can get second-hand copies (medicine, veterinary, motor sciences, geology/geography/biology)
Continuous assessment
Additional information:
As these activities are not associated with any ECTS credit, no assessment will be organized during the semester. However, students will be able to test themselves in a formative way on eCampus.
Work placement(s)
Organisational remarks and main changes to the course
Matthieu Verstraete Université de Liège Département de Physique, Bât. B5a, 4/50 Allée du 6 Août, 19 B- 4000 Sart Tilman, Liège Belgium Tél : +32 4 366 90 17
Mail : matthieu.verstraete@uliege.be
Aide à la réussite activity coordinator : Pierre-Xavier Marique
Mail: pxmarique@uliege.be
Association of one or more MOOCs
The MOOC entitled 'Physique- Mécanique : bien entamer l'enseignement supérieur (S2)' is associated with this course.
Additional information:
The MOOC 'Physics-Mechanics: getting started in higher education (S2)' is associated with this course.