16h Pr
Nombre de crédits
Master de spécialisation en Nexus Eau-Energie-Alimentation | 2 crédits |
Langue(s) de l'unité d'enseignement
Langue anglaise
Organisation et évaluation
Enseignement au deuxième quadrimestre
Unités d'enseignement prérequises et corequises
Les unités prérequises ou corequises sont présentées au sein de chaque programme
Contenus de l'unité d'enseignement
- Strong leadership rises to the top repeatedly as the key advantage that separates world-class companies from the rest. Great leaders can craft winning competitive strategies and drive critical innovation, implement change, and create agile organizations that can succeed in complex markets. Leadership Best Practices is a workshop that explores the many dimensions of great leadership. Designed to build strategic vision and personal leadership skills, this workshop examines today's leadership critical concepts, competencies, and leadership best practices in depth, using real-life examples and business cases.
- We use the concept of smart power to shed light on such topics as leadership types and skills, the needs and demands of followers, and the nature of good and bad leadership in terms of both ethics and effectiveness. We look in depth at "contextual intelligence' - the ability to understand changing environments, capitalize on trends, and use the flow of events to implement strategies.
Acquis d'apprentissage (objectifs d'apprentissage) de l'unité d'enseignement
Groups and teams
- The idea of getting people moving in the same direction is an organizational problem. But what executives need to do is not organize people but align them. How to manage the conditions that drive team performance?
- Because so much of the work in today's organizations is accomplished by teams, managers must be skilled at participating in and leading teams. This course segment explores the multiple factors that shape group development, dynamics, and effectiveness. We will look particularly at the determinants of group culture and performance and what happens when one attempts to change a group's culture. Building on this understanding, we will then examine the manager's role in designing and building an effective team and the impact of the manager's style on the team's behavior and performance.
- Trying to get people to comprehend a vision of an alternative future is a communications challenge different from organizing them to fulfill a short-term plan.
- We will look at a number of leaders "in action" to gain insight into the critical functions and personal qualities that contribute to effective leadership. We will identify different approaches for developing and communicating a vision for an organization and for motivating people to fulfill that vision. We also look at the role of the leader as an architect or organizational designer. To be effective, an organization's critical elements need to be aligned. This segment will also examine what it takes to achieve a "good fit" among an organization's elements: its strategy, structure, systems, staffing, skills, style, and shared values.
- Management is about coping with complexity. Leadership, by contrast, is about coping with change. How to identify the need for strategic realignment and the skills to motivate for change while overcoming stakeholder resistance; how to create strategies for change, and design impactful and sustainable initiatives; how to navigate uncertainty and disruption.
- Leaders' attempts to renew or change their organizations often fail. In this course segment, we will compare and contrast successful and unsuccessful efforts to transform organizations to identify critical stages and activities in the change process. We address the following questions: What are the primary sources of resistance to change? What are the most appropriate ways to overcome them? What change strategies "work" and under what conditions?
- Understand motivational drivers, emotional intelligence, and communication methods to establish a leadership style.
- Take charge of your professional development as you navigate the challenges of transitioning from an individual contributor performing specific tasks to a leader motivating and aligning people behind a common vision or direction.
Savoirs et compétences prérequis
No prerequisite.
Activités d'apprentissage prévues et méthodes d'enseignement
Mode d'enseignement (présentiel, à distance, hybride)
Cours donné exclusivement en présentiel
Explications complémentaires:
- 0h Théorie, 16h Pratique (4 séances de 4h).
- The workshop is a balanced mix between theoretical discussions and practical exercises. It is a very hands-on workshop, demanding students to prepare self-evaluations, readings and cases, and to write a journal for every session of the workshop.
- The teaching includes individual feedback and collective debriefings and review discussions.
- Une connaissance passive de l'anglais est suffisante. Si le cours rencontre suffisamment de succès, il pourra être organisé en français.
Lectures recommandées ou obligatoires et notes de cours
- Les présentations, études de cas et tests personnels sont mis à disposition sur eCampus.
Modalités d'évaluation et critères
Examen(s) en session
Toutes sessions confondues
- En présentiel
évaluation orale
Travail à rendre - rapport
Evaluation continue
Explications complémentaires:
- Evaluation continue basée sur la participation active aux 4 séances, analyse/réflexion sur un des sujets du cours en relation avec un événement ou une situation actuelle (application des concepts), un travail de groupe avec présentation.
Remarques organisationnelles et modifications principales apportées au cours
Michael Ghilissen email: michael.ghilissen@uliege.be Office hours by appointment only.