5h Th, 120h Proj.
Nombre de crédits
Master en science des données, à finalité | 5 crédits | |||
Master : ingénieur civil en science des données, à finalité | 5 crédits |
Christophe Debruyne, Maxime Fays, Pierre Geurts, Gilles Louppe
Langue(s) de l'unité d'enseignement
Langue anglaise
Organisation et évaluation
Enseignement au deuxième quadrimestre
Unités d'enseignement prérequises et corequises
Les unités prérequises ou corequises sont présentées au sein de chaque programme
Contenus de l'unité d'enseignement
The purpose of this course is for the students to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the data science program to a project involving actual data in a realistic setting. During the project, the students will engage in the entire process of solving a real-world data science problem: formalizing the problem, collecting and processing data, applying appropriate analytical methods and algorithms, deploying a solution, and presenting the results of their study.
Acquis d'apprentissage (objectifs d'apprentissage) de l'unité d'enseignement
The project aims at developing the students' ability to carry out a realistic, complex, and incompletely defined data science project from the conceptual to the operational phase.
The students will furthermore hone project management skills. These skills include project and team leadership, reporting, oral presentations, and question answering.
Savoirs et compétences prérequis
Students are expected to have previously followed
- INFO0009 Databases
- ELEN0062 Introduction to Machine Learning
- DATS0001 Foundations of Data Science
Activités d'apprentissage prévues et méthodes d'enseignement
Students will acquire and develop competencies through a substantial project that is representative of the responsibilities of a data scientist. Next to the project, the following activities are planned to support and evaluate the process and deliverables:
- Introductory lectures by the instructors
- Project reviews in February, March and April, including oral presentations and short reports;
- Feedback on technical progress and project management;
- Writing of a final report;
- Defense of the project in May.
Mode d'enseignement (présentiel, à distance, hybride)
Combinaison d'activités d'apprentissage en présentiel et en distanciel
Explications complémentaires:
- Monthly review meetings;
- The project is mainly carried out remotely.
Lectures recommandées ou obligatoires et notes de cours
Depending on the nature of the project and the student's needs, references to scientific articles, technical reports, and support material will be shared on eCampus.
Modalités d'évaluation et critères
Examen(s) en session
Toutes sessions confondues
- En présentiel
évaluation orale
Travail à rendre - rapport
Evaluation continue
Explications complémentaires:
The evaluation will be based on:
- the intermediate review meetings (progress achieved, quality of project management)
- the final report, the final oral defense, and the overall solution where the originality, methodology, clarity, reproducibility and technological choices of the solution will be mainly assessed.
The project defense consists of an oral presentation, followed by a question/answer session. The final grade takes account of the amount and quality of the completed work, the written report and the oral presentation, as well as the relevance of the provided answers.
Students will be awarded a grade for the overall project which will be adjusted to each student's performance that can deviate at most 2 points from that grade (unless a student clearly underperforms or outperforms).
Intermediate review meetings are a mandatory learning activity. Failure to attend those will result in an absence note for both the first and second sessions.
In case of failure in June, a resit is possible. Students may improve their projects based on a requirements sheet. Students will have to submit an updated report and a description of the improvements and individual contributions. A defense will be organized in August/September.
- Teams of up to 4 students.
- Presence at the intermediate reviews is mandatory.
- The final report must be submitted by mid-May.
- The defenses will be scheduled in mid-May.
- Intermediate deadlines will be announced throughout the year.
Remarques organisationnelles et modifications principales apportées au cours
- Christophe Debruyne, c.debruyne@uliege.be
- Maxime Fays, Maxime.Fays@uliege.be
- Pierre Geurts, p.geurts@uliege.be
- Gilles Louppe, g.louppe@uliege.be